International Coastal Cleanup Week Beach Cleanup
Join us for our International Coastal Cleanup Week Beach Cleanup. We are teaming up with Greenmaids Blue Ocean Society for our third clean up of the season.
We will be at Jenness Beach in Rye, NH.
Join us for our International Coastal Cleanup Week Beach Cleanup. We are teaming up with Greenmaids Blue Ocean Society for our third clean up of the season.
We will be at Jenness Beach in Rye, NH.
In conjunction with Save Forest Lake and many other environmental groups the New Hampshire Network will be hosting this summit.
A special evening and launch of Save Kittery Water’s new CreekSmart campaign featuring an informative discussion with Melissa Paly, the Conservation Law Foundation’s Great Bay-Piscataqua Waterkeeper and Kittery Town Council Chair Judy Spiller.
The second of three community forums hosted by the city of Portsmouth and the consultants helping to develop the climate action plan.
Please join us in the Levenson room in Portsmouth Public library for a community conversation about waste. As Portsmouth works on their climate action plan they are looking for feedback from the community. Learn a little about where we are at now and share your ideas about what we should or shouldn’t be doing, experiences you have in your community, what you think our priorities should be. This is part of a series of community conversations organized by Portsmouth Climate Action and Portsmouth Smart Growth.
Do you want to pass community power in your town? Already working on it? Join the 350NH community power working group to get support from others across the state. Email jennifer@350nh.org for the meeting link.
Join 350NH for a webinar about the impacts of climate change on mental health with NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action! RSVP HERE
Join 350NH for a celebration they are hosting with friends in Nashua since they stopped the proposed asphalt plant. Join them at Main Street Methodist Church (154 Main Street) for community, food and celebration. RSVP Here
Come ride with us Saturday July 8th, 2023, as we introduce you to a few sustainable businesses on the Seacoast. We will start here at the ReFill Station. From there we will cross the river and visit Sanctuary Arts in Eliot, ME. Originally a Methodist church built in the 1800’s. Sanctuary Arts, on Bolt Hill Rd., has evolved to become a community art space that focuses on fine art education for everyone (taught by talented artists) and creating a place where artists can connect and learn. We will continue on to Shilo Farm, an earth, animal and community centric eco-lodge and gathering place. Shilo Farm is a self described sanctuary for reflection, connection, nourishment, joy and renewal. It offers weekly yoga classes and community events celebrating music, health & wellness and more. Our ride will wrap up with a stop at White Heron Tea & Coffee Eliot, ME then circles back to White Heron Tea & Coffee in Portsmouth, NH.. White Heron in Portsmouth was NH’s first organic tea company. It has evolved from its days at Seacoast farmer’s markets to two cafes, both equipped with LED lighting, supporting local producers, using local ingredients in their daily offerings, using filtered water and compostable packaging. The Portsmouth Cafe also has solar panels on the roof.
We hope this ride will inspire you to consider your own sustainability and identify your next course of action. At the local level, we encourage you to: explore the website Bright Action at brightaction.app/newhampshire/portsmouth where you can learn about your environmental impact; connect with Jonathan and Jess to discover the sustainable initiatives undertaken by the White Heron Cafes and the Refill Station and explore ways in which you can contribute to your own town’s efforts (Climate Action Plan); engage in another bike ride, on your own or alongside the SABR community this summer.
Important details about the ride: You need to feel comfortable riding your bike in traffic. The ride will take us through downtown Portsmouth, briefly through Kittery and mostly on the back roads of Eliot (but with a short segment on Rte 236). We invite you to have a look at the route here ahead of time so you can determine if this is a ride for you. Saturday July 8th, 2023 Meet at 9:00 am at ReFill Station at 124 Bartlett Street in Portsmouth and be ready to ride at 9:30 (assigned parking area to be designated when you sign up for the ride). Rain Date: July 29th
Total ride (including stops) should be about 3 hours long and 14 miles. The route can be found here . Helmets are required; please bring water and sunscreen. Please bring a lock if you plan to leave the group and stay at one of the cafes.
The ride is free, however we ask you to sign up at this SABR link so we can better plan the event with our volunteers. Questions? info@seacoastbikes.org Seacoast Area Bicycle Riders (SABR) is a nonprofit, volunteer organization with the mission of “making the Seacoast better for biking.” We’ve been providing a unified voice for all kinds of bike riders in the Seacoast of New Hampshire and southern Maine since 1992.
Calling all high school students (or recently graduated)! Get involved in our youth team to plan some exciting summer actions. Email elisabeth@350nh.org for the Zoom link.
Where: Portsmouth Public Library Levenson Room (175 Parrott St., Portsmouth)
Hosted by: Portsmouth Public Library
A comprehensive organic gardening course presented by an experienced teacher and commercial vegetable grower.
Where: Pierce Island Portsmouth
Hosted by: The ReFill Station, Green Maids Cleaning & Blue Ocean Society
An opportunity to help take care of s place so many residents of and visitors to Portsmouth and the NH Seacoast enjoy.
Where: Connie Bean Center (155 ParrotT Ave., Portsmouth)
Hosted by: Portsmouth Climate Action, Portsmouth Public Library & WRAD
Creating a space where non-profit organizations, citizen lead efforts and the city of Portsmouth can come together and share with the community ways people can get involved and take action to help take care of our planet and live a little more sustainably. City will also be seeking feedback about community priorities around climate change and starting to share about the climate action plan they are going to be working on this year.
Where: Portsmouth Public Library Levenson Room (175 Parrott St., Portsmouth)
Hosted by: Portsmouth Public Library
A comprehensive organic gardening course presented by an experienced teacher and commercial vegetable grower.
Where: UNH Strafford Room (83 Main Street, Durham)
Hosted by: NHPR
Bringing together people from across the region to talk about opportunities for transformative action in the face of the climate change crisis.
Where: Portsmouth Public Library Levenson Room (175 Parrott St., Portsmouth)
Hosted by: Portsmouth Public Library
A comprehensive organic gardening course presented by an experienced teacher and commercial vegetable grower.